Listing your saved tracks
First things first ensure you have all the required components
using Spotify
using Spotify.Library
Using Spotify
Once you are authenticated you can run
offset = 0
st, repeat_after_sec = library_get_saved_tracks(1, offset, "NO")
@info "Listing $(st.total) tracks. Pauses may occur due the the current API rate limit."
repeat_after_sec = 0
while true
while true
repeat_after_sec !=0 && sleep(repeat_after_sec + 0.5)
st, repeat_after_sec = library_get_saved_tracks(50, offset, "NO")
repeat_after_sec == 0 && break
for (i, t) in enumerate(st.items)
println(lpad(i + offset, 5), t.track.name)
offset += length(st.items)
offset >= st.total && break
which may take some time depending on your library size
We recommend just getting the default number (20) of tracks from your library using library_get_saved_tracks()
Extracting & Saving all your Liked songs
Based on indexing using the library_get_saved_tracks()
function you could potentially create a CSV of all the tracks you've liked.
Here's one example of how you might do this
using Spotify
using Spotify.Library
using Spotify.Tracks
using DataFrames
## Get tracks loop
function define_df()
@info Defining the dataframe
temp = library_get_saved_tracks(1)[1]["items"][1]
global tracks_df = DataFrame(;Dict(temp["track"])...)
tracks_df["added_at"] = temp["added_at"]
@warn "Attempting to retrieve the last 2,000 songs from Spotify \n This may take some time"
for batch = 0:20:2000
println("Getting batch: ", batch/20)
temp = library_get_saved_tracks(20,(batch+1))[1]["items"]
for i in 1:20
temp2 = DataFrame(;Dict(temp[i]["track"])...)
temp2["added_at"] = temp[i]["added_at"]
println("Adding Track: ", temp[i]["track"]["name"])
append!(tracks_df, temp2, cols=:union)
unique!(tracks_df, "id")
using CSV
something.(tracks_df, missing) |> CSV.write("track_data.csv")